Jmax Media Solutions

Community Driven

<span data-metadata=""><span data-buffer="">Cause marketing isn’t just effective — it’s becoming a necessity


What is Cause Marketing?

When a business partners with a philanthropic organization for an event, this is cause marketing. Cause marketing allows a brand to become more significant than the brand itself by assisting in social good. The brand wins by being recognized as philanthropic and receiving free positive press. The charity wins by receiving much-needed funds. In this way, marketing becomes a positive force for change. Win-win.

Is cause marketing effective?


Consumers are savvy. In order to capture their brand loyalty, a company must stand for something. In fact, 90% of consumers feel that values are essential when choosing a brand to support. And brand loyalty is invaluable.

Cause marketing isn’t just effective — it’s becoming a necessity. As consumers become increasingly cynical about advertising campaigns, cause marketing is still a proven method to stand out and catch the consumer’s attention.

Cause Marketing

Are you looking for a way to enhance your company's reputation and build goodwill with your customers? Cause marketing may be the answer.

Cause marketing is a partnership between a for-profit company and a nonprofit organization, in which the two entities work together to promote a shared cause or issue. The partnership can take many different forms, but typically involves some form of joint marketing or promotional activity.

Benefits of partnering with a nonprofit organization on a cause marketing campaign

Of course, before embarking on a cause marketing campaign, it’s important to do your research and choose a cause that is relevant to your company and its customers. You’ll also want to select a nonprofit partner that is a good fit for your brand. Once you’ve done that, you can start planning your campaign.

Here are some tips for planning and executing a successful cause marketing campaign:

Consumers are savvy. In order to capture brand loyalty, a company must stand for something. In fact, 90% of consumers feel that values are essential when choosing a brand to support. And brand loyalty is invaluable.

Cause marketing isn’t just effective — it’s becoming a necessity. As consumers become increasingly cynical about advertising campaigns, cause marketing is still a proven method to stand out and catch the consumer’s attention.

At Jmax Media Solutions, we connect businesses with reputable charities and nonprofits that fit well with their brand. Together, we’ll brainstorm a mutually beneficial strategy to support both parties and bring positive change to the community.